Question about Apprenticeship Program


I know you have a pilot program in California, how soon will you be starting one in New York City? I would really like to get started! :-)


  • Heather Herndon
    Heather Herndon Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2

    Hi Fauzia - Thanks for your interest! We're launching our pilot program this summer, and will be looking at expanding - next stop New York! - in 2025. We'll keep everyone up to date on the Production Lot so keep an eye out.

  • Cecilia Memor
    Cecilia Memor Member Posts: 1

    Hi Heather,

    Is there any email where we can address our questions about the accounting training program? I am interested but I navigated the entire website and there is no major information…

  • Heather Herndon
    Heather Herndon Administrator, Moderator Posts: 2

    Yes! You can email if you have questions. Thanks!

  • Sheila Henley
    Sheila Henley Member Posts: 1


    Is the California program open? If so, how can one get involved.

    Thank you

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