When does a production need to start the paperwork to set up incentives?

Natalie Nelson
Natalie Nelson Administrator Posts: 100
edited April 2024 in Producers

I'm about to embark on my producing my first feature. When does a production need to start the paperwork to set up incentives? And how soon before physical production should we contact EP for guidance?

Best Answer

  • Joseph Chianese
    Joseph Chianese Member Posts: 152
    Answer ✓

    The rules are different for every jurisdiction. It's important to know if the jurisdiction you're considering has an annual funding cap, and how much funding remains in the year you plan to claim your incentive. Also, it very important not to spend any money in a jurisdiction until you apply and/or notify the jurisdiction's Film Commission about your project. Some jurisdictions have a simple process, others require more detail. Also, some jurisdiction require proof of funding and distribution.

    Always best to reach out to me or my colleagues at EP (incentives@ep.com) as soon as possible, we can walk you through the process, or handle the process for you.


  • JeffreyGelman
    JeffreyGelman Member Posts: 1

    Yeah I was going to say something similar but he took the air out of it.

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