HAWAII crew!

Robert Zetek
Robert Zetek Member Posts: 2

Aloha Hawaii crew!

Introduce yourself and meet others in our industry.

Tell us a little about your self what your aspirations are and connect with others in our industry.

Please feel free to share any projects that are looking for crew, casting calls or any other position needs!


  • Robert Zetek
    Robert Zetek Member Posts: 2


    Allow me to welcome you all and introduce my self.

    My name is Robert Zetek and I reside on the island of Oahu.
    I have been in the industry since 2011 when I accidentally stumbled onto a set of Hawaii 5-0

    I’m hoping to connect with AD’s , Producers and Union Reps.

    I am looking forward to any upcoming productions and would love to get involved.My contact is on my profile


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