Where do you guys look for work?

Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez Member Posts: 4

dipping my toes back in this world. recently worked at a School District for a year essentially a Videographer/Editor and wanted to focus on more Post Production work and have exhausted the usual job sites. I really want to become a Unionized Video Editor so any work I can get in that world would be amazing. I did work with UPROXX a few years ago but the Producer I worked with left to another company. Any tips or job leads would be so amazing!


  • Phillip Smithwick
    Phillip Smithwick Member Posts: 1

    Hello Carlos

    When I worked in post I had the best success on Staffmeup.com, Entertainmentcareers.net, and Facebook groups. Indeed and Craigslist have some, but I found scam listing to be more prevalent on those sites so please be mindful of that. I'd also suggest attending any networking events that you can find, since this is very much a "who you know" business. Best of luck.

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