Where have all the PMs gone?

Emily Gilmore
Emily Gilmore Member Posts: 4

Last night the UK branch of Women in Film and TV ran a fantastic panel event in partnership with Bournemouth University to launch the latter's new report, "Where have all the PMs gone: addressing the production management skills gap in UK TV".

The report acknowledges that although the recent downturn in commissioning may temporarily increase the availability of PMs, historical trends suggest that as the industry recovers, meeting its production management needs will continue to present a challenge.

The panel discussed how the role and remit of the production manager has evolved over time, how production managers are perceived by other members of production and the key factors which negatively impact recruitment and retention. They also discussed practical solutions to the shortage, including stronger union representation, clearly defined job roles and greater collaboration with editorial.

You can view the full report and its summary here: https://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/39530/


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