Does rising talent need to pitch with cross-platform media in mind?

This is a two part question mostly aimed at producers who are open to partnering with fresh voices and rising talent in the narrative feature space.
When you receive a pitch deck, treatment, or screenplay, what are some green flags, and red flags too, that you look for in a person and in that project?
And do you think it is necessary in our current day and age to pitch projects that have potential for cross-platform media like movies, tv, books, games, etc. in order to be taken seriously?
In a pitch deck, I look for several things:
Solid production plan, Solid financing plan (which includes incentives), short bios of attached production management, logline & synopsis (1 page), distribution plan, comps, and a statement on "Why This, Why Now". Having a vision of what other platforms might be viable (as you suggest) is always helpful, too.
Budgets in anything other than Movie Magic, No clear chain-of-title as rights management is crucial.