Ask a Producer

Natalie Nelson
Natalie Nelson Administrator Posts: 93
edited September 2023 in Producers

Need help with a financing question? Looking for some advice on where to find crew in the tri-state area? You've come to the right place!

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  • Gary King
    Gary King Member Posts: 22

    There seems to be so many different types of producers out there, some that are more on the financial side, some more on the creative, how do you find your niche? Do you feel pressured to have to be good at every aspect of it or can you find career longevity by specializing in a certain area?

  • Corey Sienega
    Corey Sienega Member Posts: 68

    Hi Gary,

    The business of being a producer has changed quite a bit over the years but I think it's still true that there are many paths to becoming and working as a producer. It never hurts to have a great script or story though so I think no matter what, lean into your relationships with creators and representatives, and work on how you can be a value add to great projects. A smart friend of mine has always said it takes three things to get something into production: great creative, financing, and distribution, and if you have two, you can get the third. Success helps with longevity of course, but for practical reasons, having the hard skills of a producer in terms of budgeting and understanding financials will only serve you well.

    Hope that helps — and I'm always interested in what other producers have to say about this topic, too!

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