Who Wants (Needs) To Go To The Movies?

P L E A S E!
It’s not just about fancy recliners or 4D super-max-smell-a-vision (okay, maybe we “do” want that - occasionally), but we NEED the Studios and Distributors to “give us more time” to enjoy movies on the big screen! No more rushing them off to streaming faster than we can microwave our popcorn!
I’m not saying Hollywood and Technology killed Hollywood, but . . .
We need to get off our couches, put on “real” pants, and experience the magic of movies “together” again . . . it can be truly magical!! Because, honestly, movies were meant to be a “shared” experience, not something you just half-watch while scrolling TikTok.
It’s not just about the screen, the sound, or the endless debate over whether to get the nachos or the large popcorn (spoiler: get both). It’s about “us”, all of us, sitting in that dark theater, gasping, laughing, and ugly crying together.
There’s a loneliness epidemic in America and (all around the world) as we live virtually, instead of in person.
Let’s do it—let’s make America “communal” (and happy!) again, one movie at a time.
I’m in! What about you?
Just us, ALL OF US, and the cameras, and those wonderful people out there in the dark . . .