Share Your Halloween Costumes!

Meghan Dubitsky
Member, Administrator Posts: 50
The blue eyed star of the dystopian underground. Adorned with spikes and nails like claws, she must protect herself as she is the last of her kind. Mesmerized by all, struck by the spotlight she holds the keys to unlock your inner desires. Her performance raw and grimy embodies the energy of the cyberpunk rebellion. Contorting to industrial beats and futuristic grunge, she’s the guiltyest of pleasures.
COSTUME DESIGNER: Gabby Lovazzano | @gamecrusherpresents
PHOTOGRAPHER: Yulia Shur | @s_h_u_r
MODEL: Brynn Route | @brynnroute
MAKEUP DESIGNER: Alondra Excene | @alondraexcene
NAIL DESIGNER: Texto Dallas | @texto_dallas
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This is incredibly creative! Reminds me of Hellraiser a bit.