Must follows on LinkedIn/Substack...?

Corey Sienega
Corey Sienega Member Posts: 84
edited November 2024 in Producers

Here are some folks I follow with strong insights on the industry— who am I missing?

Simon Pulman - LinkedIn - Attorney with a deep knowledge of gaming and great insights on where audience engagement is going.

Ted Hope - Substack & LinkedIn - Hope for Film. Powerhouse indie producer and former head of Amazon films. The great advocate of indie film and how to survive in the business "FKATFB" as Ted has coined it, or "formerly known as the film business."

Audrey Knox - Linked in and her own - great practical advice for writers from a manager currently working in the industry. Also, insight into the thinking of a manager currently working in the industry for non-writers.

Love to know who y'all are following!

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