Advice request

Is there anyone who is a Production Accountant who can help me with tips on how to get into that part of the industry?


  • Meghan Dubitsky
    Meghan Dubitsky Member, Administrator Posts: 47

    Hey Allison, EP's Production Accounting 101 and 201 Academy courses are a great place to start to learn more about a career in production finance:

  • Allison Ricciardella
    Allison Ricciardella Member Posts: 2

    Hi Meghan,

    I have taken the courses, and while they have some good information in them, I didn't learn anything about how to break into that side of the industry. I've worked in Reality Television for a number of years, I'd love to get a chance to get an entry level accounting job.

  • Corey Sienega
    Corey Sienega Member Posts: 84

    Hi Allison, it's great to post here as a start. You might also want to reach out to production accounting companies, and production companies that do unscripted to see who they use and/or if they accept applications for entry level production accounting staff/clerk positions to cast a wider net. I did a quick search on LinkedIn for keywords and found this woman, Margot Ransom, who is CEO and Founder of Prod Co Accountants, might be worth a reachout to her and companies like hers, or Trevanna Post, too? Good luck to you!

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