Mentor Program

Looking to find or become a mentor? Sign up for the Community mentorship program and expand your network today!
Find additional opportunities for upskilling and career advancement by connecting with skilled, experienced production professionals.
Or share your time with students and those new to the industry to help support the next generation of production professionals!
It’s easy to get started, just head to the Profile page and under Community Mentorship, click on “Be a Mentor” or “Find a Mentor”
That makes your name and profile searchable for others in the Production Log.
You can use the search button to look for people to connect with – either those looking for Mentors or looking to be a Mentor!
Then reach out by internal messaging to connect!
Check out instructions on How to Maximize your Member Profile and Guidelines for Posting your Resume to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward!
I would love to learn from an experienced Tracker how to complete this job.
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Hi Shari— can you clarify what you mean by "tracker"? Are you in a script development position?
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Looking for mentor and partner for Entertaiment Management Production Company not only in Film Production with a slate of pictures and an Entertainment media agency for a project by project basis. A current Advertising executive also at Fashion One, I work in the second largest TV Channel around the world on Fashion, Entertainment and Lifestyle in 80 countries. I have been in and out of the business for 10 and more years in Entertainment Management/Production Companies. Looking to collaborate for new projects and producing a few in TV and Production. In search of new material and projects and in need of help and mentorship, can learn hands on as job placement. I would love to collaborate, learn and take it to the next level in TV and Film Production. Please call or email or 310.498.3967.
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Hey Everyone!
Its a pleasure to meet you all. I am Nana kofi Dadson a Producer/Director based in the NYC Metro area. I have been in the media & entertainment industry for a little over 7 years and would love to continue being a student of production.
My passion for media and production came from what I didn’t see. As a first gen Ghanaian & South African when i would turn on the tv I would see people that looked like me but no one that shared a similar experience.
So through my work in this industry as a producer/director I want to make sure no one experiences has to feel that feeling of onliness. My goal is to ensure that people from all walks of life feel seen, heard and valued through the content they digest daily.
Over the past 7 years, i’ve had the pleasure of working on a diverse range of projects, from documentaries to digital scripted series, and have been able to gain experience as a production assistant, line producer, assistant director, research producer and more.
I feel like i have so much more to learn so i would love to find a mentor, shadow productions or lend a hand so i may be an asset while i learn from the best.
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My name is Larry Dorsey. I am a rigging programmer looking for a mentor, teacher, friend, who can teach me the tricks and trades of the business and help me in my journey of transitioning from the rigging side of production to the corporate side. I have only been in this business for three years, so I am not 100 percent sure about all the different job titles, but I am interested in becoming a UPM and later on down the line, a producer. Thank you and i hope to hear from someone soon.
(Contact Info)
Mobile number: (504) 650-86051 -
Hi Larry—
One thing you can do if you want to start looking into becoming a UPM is to come up through Production assistant to 2nd AD and on up. The DGA assistant director program is something you might want to look into. You may want to go through some profiles here on the site and reach out to folks interested in mentoring. Check out the site for more on this path— good luck!1 -
Hi everyone! My name is Lauren, I am a recent Motion Picture graduate from the University of Miami seeking a mentor within the entertainment industry. I just moved back to New York City and am looking for an entry level job right now - and it's been tough! I have experience working as a production assistant on two pilots as well as working under a Casting Director and Producer for an indie feature film. I have a passion for storytelling and sports and I am also an actress. I'm honestly just looking for someone to talk to about my career goals and learn from someone else's perspective about this industry. I'm not 100% sure what I want to do (career wise) but just seeking some advice and guidance during this tough time. I'd love to connect with anyone who reads this, thanks!
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Hello everyone,
I'm a factual producer working between Asia and Europe. I'm currently transitioning more to fiction work and I was hoping to get in touch with any mentor that works on coproduction, especially projects using various countries tax breaks and cash rebate.
Linkedin : Aladin Farré