What's one thing you wish you learned about in film school?

Natalie Nelson
Natalie Nelson Administrator Posts: 67

We don't always learn everything we need to know in school. What's one thing you wish your courses covered that you learned about outside of the classroom?

Best Answers

  • Daniel Selbrede
    Daniel Selbrede Member Posts: 3
    Answer ✓

    I wish I learned more about all the different positions out there. I imagine most schools have classes on camera/sound/editing like mine did, but so few about about everything else, especially pre and post production.

  • Allie Keller
    Allie Keller Member Posts: 3
    Answer ✓

    How cool it can be to work in the office too. Most of my film instructors were from the camera and G&E departments. I have loved working in the office just as much as on set but they taught us that being relegated to the office was a type of punishment. Also how to figure out clicks for timecards. That was a bit of a curve ball.


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