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As a member of the Production Lot, you have access to a wealth of resources to support you in your journey – whether you're starting a production, seeking funding, finding mentorship, or pursuing your next career opportunity.
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You can sort results by Discussions, Places, Events, Dates, or by Member.
You can also peruse recent or popular discussion topics under the Popular Tags section. Click on the desired tag and you’ll see all associated posts.
Join groups
Our diverse community encompasses a wide range of careers and career paths. To ensure you find who and what you're looking for, we've created dedicated spaces known as groups. These include:
Each group is accessible through the links in this guide, on the homepage and in the upper navigation bar.
Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the industry, each group serves as a the hub for discussions, networking, and collaboration within its respective field. All posts tagged with a group name will appear on that group’s page. Jump in and start a new discussion or comment on an active discussion!
Turn on group notifications
Stay up to date with the groups you’re interested in by joining the group. To do this, click on the Join button and choose your notification preferences.
If more than one group interests you, join as many as you’d like!
You can also modify your notification preferences from the Edit Profile page by clicking on Notification Preferences in the right-hand options menu. Select your desired notification settings, which include in-app notifications and emails, so you never miss a thing from the Production Lot!
Quick Links
The Quick Links section allows you to easily find your way back to recent activity or something you’ve bookmarked. Here you can access all your recent discussions, posts that you’ve bookmarked, drafts of posts you haven’t published yet, or questions you’ve posted.
Getting back to the home page
Anytime you need to return to the homepage, simply click Production Lot Home at the top of the page.
Now you’re ready to navigate the Production Lot! Continue reading our Get Started guides or introduce yourself to the community.
And don't forget check out our full list of FAQs to get quick answers to commonly asked questions.