My Profile

My name is Mark Cropsey and film, television, and music production is something I've been passionate about my entire life with insights and intuitions for generating entirely new markets promising of generating billions in revenue. Throughout my thirty year professional tenure I've remained within professional capacities upholding the quality of life for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities whereby I've been highly effective. I work with a wide diversity of the population with a highly positive working relationship while holding a very instrumental role in the life quality outcomes of consumers.
Within the previous decade I became immersed in ecommerce selling only top quality. I proved to be a highly skilled marketer with three online stores generating hundreds of millions in earnings. During this decade my vivid vision for film, television, and music became crystal clear. My music publishing company is Musical Milleus which is a lot more than a music publishing company. It's an indispensible resource both for all music publishing companies as well as musicians. For music publishing companies it serves to strengthen organizational backbone and selling momentum. For musicians it fosters a far more effective and better visibility.
My company for film and television and film production is Micro Gods Incorporated which is a critical nerve center for all writers to collaborate. For both ventures they are set up for opening up entirely new markets while cultivating pathways for entirely new creative expressions. To date I've conceived two science fiction storyboards, three screenplays, and a prototype for an entirely new musical genre, all very original, never done before, and set up for a regenerative copyright for countless more productions.
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